INDONESIAN TRAVELLING - Tranquil, that is the advantage of Kaliantan beach besides the beach’s conditions which indeed clean and beautiful. This Lombok beach is perfect for you who like quite place to refresh your soul.

In Sasak tribe’s culture, there us a ceremony which is quite famous called Bau Nyale. This Bau Nyaleceremony is held once a year on February. The center of celebration is in Kuta Lombok and Kaliantan beach. During the event, those two beaches are so crowded by ceremony members and visitors, either it domestic or foreign one.


After the ceremony, those two beaches are back in normal. Kuta beach is crowded by domestic and foreign visitors, while Kaliantan Lombok will back to its tranquility. Only once in a while a school bus carries students come to visit this place. The silent condition is the attraction of this beach for those who like silence, something like Belongas bay.

Kaliantan beach is located in south tip of East Lombok regency. It’s about 72 km from Mataram city. Few kilometers from Ekas bay. There is no public transportation which serves passengers to this beach. The public transportation is only operating till Jerowaru sub district. That is why; the perfect choice to visit it is by personal vehicle or car rental.

Using personal /rental car, you should take Kota Praya-Mujur-Ganti-Sepapan-Jerowaru-Jor-Pemongkong-Ekas-Kaliantan beach, but around 5 km from the main road, you will find less good road. By personal car or motorbike, it will take about 2 hours to reach it. Kaliantan Lombok has long coastal line approximately 2 km. The waves are calm with white rolling which are quite far from the beach’s edge. The topography is unique; a combination of incline beach’s curving with small hills in some places. It is a white sandy beach and free of plastic rubbish.

The beach’s condition tends to be quite, and along the beach there are no food stalls, lombok hotels, orsouvenir shops, neither with fishermen activity or seaweed farmer.

There are not much trees that can be found here, so if you visit this beach at noon, it tend to be less comfortable. Moreover if many visitors are coming at the same time, they will compete to get shady under the tree. But the conditions are completely different if the sun starts to set. The beauty of the Lombok sunsetis a magnet for you to stay in this beach.

When the day light, the calm waves, and the clean water make swimming activity is fun. The undersea beauty which is competitive compared to other diving places in Lombok Indonesia will motivate you to do that undersea activity.


Few years ago, Kaliantan is a center of sea weed production, which quite successful in Lombok. But now, it can’t be seen any longer, and the farmer’s tiny houses have gone completely.
The Lombok travel guide and tourism promotions which is done by local government and the act of adding it to tourism destination lists by travel agents, hasn’t been too successful in bringing in the visitors to this beach. It might be cause the far location and the inadequate infrastructures.

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